Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

We have some highly creative neighbors. That's a rat in the mouth.

Batman Beyond, a Minecraft Creeper, and Sheldon Cooper.

"Governor Tarkin, I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board."
Eddie designed the jack-o-lantern, and Billy gutted it.

The "fire Chima" Lego set earned from having good behavior in P.E.
Billy's class Halloween party.
The chicks in Billy's classroom hatched. Billy is very excited. He asked me a few weeks ago if he was hatched out of an egg when he was a baby.

The return of Rogue, the escapee. She hid for about two days, then I found her in the bathroom in the middle of the night trying to find water.
The newest addition. I had no idea these were docile and non poisonous. It's kind of like a hermit crab (I still won't touch it.)
Soccer + Hockey = Soccey
Mom and Beth brought me exactly what I needed from Potter Land. A time turner and a wand. Now, if I could just get them working...

Eddie had to create a pumpkin character from a book he has read recently.

Our neighbor down the street and Eddie have adopted each other.

Oscar and Paco.

Hair! That's some hair, isn't it? This was enough fun that I am going to have to do this again next year. At one house, a silent, hulking Darth Vader opened the door. "You!"

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Lemonade Stand Post

Sitting in the front yard watching the boys ride their bikes and sell lemonade to the neighbors for Billy's kindergarten class.

Last Saturday we went to the Blanton, the Ransom Center, and the Thinkery. New brain wrinkles were formed.

"Look Mom! Trophies!"

Eddie's favorite artwork was the "bowling ball wall" and Billy's was the "airplane."

Lunch at Dobie Mall is always a treat.

One of the many faces of Billy.

Playing with cousins on 7/4/15.

We have been to the Texas Memorial ("dinosaur") Museum half a dozen times, but it never gets old.

Billy with Ms. VanderEnde on the first day of kindergarten.

Eddie and his friends from first grade.

Playing with Snap Circuits, a 5-star toy by all accounts.