Central Market with mom... they put in a great new cylindrical fishtank.

What broken leg?

Jayanth is such a good friend! Eddie was with Nana on the weekend these were taken, but Jayanth likes to play with Billy, too!

Mommy signed the 2nd cast before it, too, had to be replaced.

Kyle started watering the amaryllis again and it bloomed!

Highly amusing if you look very closely and compare drawings with stickers!

We enjoyed a nice visit with GG.

On the playground at the ballpark.

Running from 2nd to 3rd.
I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE everything on this blog but especially the videos. How wonderful that Eddie AND Billy can name the planets!!! And WHAT A BALL PLAYER MY SWEET LITTLE EDDIE IS!!!! I CANNOT WAIT to see y'all the first week in June! We will have an absolutely wonderful time!!! I love you Eddie!!! I love you Billy!!! I love you Angela!!! I love you Kyle!!!