Thursday, October 26, 2017

Slacking off

Whoops. I keep meaning to update here, but the time gets away from me. Let's see, what have we been doing since August?

The boys have been fishing with their dad.

Drawing bats...those are motion indicators (the bats are flying upward), not poop. I love this picture.

Getting teeth filled. Billy's mouth was numbed for a filling. He did great. Afterward, we went out to lunch and he chewed up the inside of his numb cheek. I looked up and he had blood all around his mouth like a huge Kool-Aid stain. It was traumatic.
A docile, friendly pet.

The wild-eyed Oscar.
Billy is a huge fan of Dog Man (another genius Pilkey creation.) He has been writing his own Dog Man comics along with Calvin and Hobbes. Very cute. I'll scan those and post them this weekend.
 Kyle scored this shirt that I love!

 Billy no longer needs help with Lego assembly.
 Garage sale motorcycle helmet becomes part of the race car driver costume. (Jeff Gordon fire suit costume compliments of my friend, Raquel...Billy is so proud of this.)

 Playing with hair.

Making homemade lemonade.

 Helping in the grocery store.

Update: a couple more photos....

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