Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Field Trip

When Kyle picked Eddie up yesterday, he asked Eddie what he had done in school.  Eddie replied that he had taken a field trip to the moon, reached into his pocket and produced some dirt, and told his dad that it was moon sand.  Kyle said he had to pause for a minute, then he asked Eddie if it was pretty on the moon.  Eddie replied that he had been bitten by a moon snake (pictured in brown among the craters.) 

I later asked Eddie if Ms. Charity had gone to the moon with him and he said "No, Ms. Charity and Ms. Stephanie didn't feel well so they didn't come.  I got to drive."  I asked who went with him and he began listing his classmates.  "Peyton, Connor, Ruby,...."  He has yet to disclose whether he drove the bus or a rocket ship.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Billy's Ouchie

Billy broke his tibia doing wild Billy-stuff.  He's always been pretty fearless, so hopefully this will wake him up to the possibility of injury.